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Observations & Experiences

"Reconciliation is not an event; it is a process taking generations"

Speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the International Meeting for Peace, Paris, 22nd September 2024.

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Scholarly Contributions

Seeking Abraham’s God after October 7th: From Radical Antisemitism to Relational Dialogue

Abraham, the common spiritual ancestor of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, was called by God to be a blessing, not to conquer or convert (Gen. 12:1–2)[1…

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‘Let us continue to be builders of peace, tireless in our commitment to reconciliation and fraternity’.

24.09.2024 - The closing ceremony of the event ‘’Imagine Peace‘’ was held in the historic square of Notre Dame, a gathering that brought together…

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JCR - Articles - Observations & Experiences

Observations & Experiences

"Reconciliation is not an event; it is a process taking generations"

Speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the International Meeting for Peace, Paris, 22nd September 2024.

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JCR - Reports


‘Let us continue to be builders of peace, tireless in our commitment to reconciliation and fraternity’.

24.09.2024 - The closing ceremony of the event ‘’Imagine Peace‘’ was held in the historic square of Notre Dame, a gathering that brought together…

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JCR - Articles - Scholarly Contributions

Scholarly Contributions

Seeking Abraham’s God after October 7th: From Radical Antisemitism to Relational Dialogue

Abraham, the common spiritual ancestor of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, was called by God to be a blessing, not to conquer or convert (Gen. 12:1–2)[1…

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Scholarly Contributions

The Judensau: Remembering a Grotesque Anti-Jewish Image

Judensau translates as, Jewish sow. Its German medieval origins are complex; its history long (extending well into the twentieth century, and well…

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Scholarly Contributions

Antisemitism: A view from within the Rabbinic Legal Tradition

I. Introduction

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Scholarly Contributions

Anti-semitism and Palestine

David Neuhaus, S.J., Professor of Scripture in Israel and Palestine, is a long-term member of the Holy Land Catholic Church's Justice and Peace…

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JCR - Reports


ICCJ Welcomes a new President and Executive Board

02.07.2024 - At their 70th Annual General Meeting [AGM] the ICCJ member organizations elected a new Executive Board for a tenure of three years.…

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Holy Land Churches implore political leaders to reach agreement for peace

26.08.2024 - A statement released by the Patriarchs and the Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem expresses grave concern for heightened tensions that…

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World Jewish Congress's Voice at the Vatican

08 Aug 2024 - Viktor Eichner wears a yellow bow tie on the lapel of his dark suit. "It reminds us of the Israeli hostages who are still being held,"…

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His Majesty The King becomes Patron of CCJ

05/20/2024 - His Majesty The King will be Patron of the British Council of Christians and Jews, it has been announced. CCJ, the nation's first…

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JCR - Articles - Observations & Experiences

Observations & Experiences

On the events which have shaken us to the core

In this “letter about current events,” dated January 27, 2024, Jean-Dominique Durand, President of l’Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France (AJCF), offers…

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Observations & Experiences

Interfaith Dialogue: Making Religion Part of Israel’s Middle East Peace

A Conversation with Rabbi Dr. Yakov Nagen.

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Observations & Experiences

“O mortal, can these bones live?” (Ezekiel 37,3)

Address given on the occasion of the 35th Day of Dialogue between Catholics and Jews, 17 January 2024, Rome, Pontifical Gregorian University.

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Observations & Experiences

“The Lord gave strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.”

In Februar 2018 approximately 1,000 scholars, activists, decision makers and influencers met in Vienna at the conference “An End to Antisemitism!” The…

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JCR - Articles - Fundamentals & Introductions

Fundamentals & Introductions

Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world: creation, fall, redemption and God’s Last Judgement of the living and the dead.

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Fundamentals & Introductions

Broken Roots. What Happens When We Don’t Know Jesus’s Jewish Context

On the 16th of October, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the highest-ranking Catholic Church clergyman in the Israel region, made an offer that shocked the…

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Fundamentals & Introductions

Hope for the Future - A Study Document for Renewing Jewish-Christian Relations

This study document is intended as an educational resource and reflection tool to stimulate a renewal of Jewish-Christian relations in the various LWF…

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Fundamentals & Introductions

Jews and Christians; becoming friends: A five-week scripture study course

This booklet is a five-week scripture study course. It is based on a course on Christianity and Judaism given alongside Stan Keller, the chairman of…

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JCR - Statements - Joint Christian-Jewish


ICCJ-Statement: In Solidarity With Israel

10.10.2023 - A few days ago, on Shabbat morning and on the onset of Simchat Torah which was supposed to be a day of peace and joy, Israel experienced…

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Jewish and Catholic Approaches to the terminally ill: The Prohibited, the Permitted and the Obligatory

12.05.2023 - Joint Statement of the 17th Bilateral Commission of the Delegations of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Holy See’s Commission for…

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A National Reckoning of the Soul

A Call to the Churches of the United States to Confront the Crisis of Antisemitism

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Fight Antisemitism, Protect Jewish Life - Declaration on the 80th Anniversary of the Wannsee Conference

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, influential representatives of Protestant churches and Jewish associations from…

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JCR - Statements - Jewish


Manifesto for European Jewish Life 2024

6 May 2024

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We extend an invitation to the Church to broaden the dialogue

February 12th, 2024 - Response to the Pope's letter, dated from 2 February 2024.

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Between Jerusalem and Rome - כלל ופרט בין ירושלים לרומי

The Shared Universal and the Respected Particular. Reflections on 50 Years of Nostra Aetate.

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JCR - Statements - Roman-Catholic

Roman Catholic

To our fathers in the faith: you are not alone! 

Since October 7, in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks and hostage-taking, and the subsequent military operations in Gaza, we have witnessed a…

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Roman Catholic

My heart is close to you, to the Holy Land, to all the peoples who inhabit it, Israelis and Palestinians

Vatican City, 2 February 2024 - Letter of the Holy Father to Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel.

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Roman Catholic

"Not weapons, not terrorism, not war, but compassion, justice and dialogue are the fitting means for building peace"

Address of His Holiness to a Delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis, 6 November 2023.

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Roman Catholic

Walking Together: Catholics with Jews in the Australian Context

Launched by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, March 2023.

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JCR - Articles - Fundamentals & Introductions

Fundamentals & Introductions

"Caring for the world between us" - Greetings for the ICCJ 2023 Conference

In her welcome address, Rabbi Anisfeld hoped that the ICCJ 2023 Conference would inspire us to renew our commitment to caring for the "world between…

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Fundamentals & Introductions

Understanding Jesus means understanding Judaism

In 2021, the Deutsche Bibel Gesellschaft published Das Neue Testament - jüdisch Erklärt,[1]  the German translation of The Jewish Annotated New…

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Fundamentals & Introductions

‘They Beheld God, and They Ate and Drank’

A Theological Reflection on Exodus 24:11 from the Perspective of the Dialogue between Judaism and Christianity.

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Fundamentals & Introductions

The Importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Interpreting the Gospels

In the first part of the paper, we will address certain theological and historical reasons for the exclusion of the Jewishness of Jesus from both…

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JCR - Articles - Scholarly Contributions

Scholarly Contributions

Abrahamic Dialogue in the Shadow of War. The Israel-Hamas war creates new challenges for Vatican diplomacy.

February 16, 2024. In February 2023, global religious leaders met in the United Arab Emirates to celebrate the opening of the Abrahamic Family House,…

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Scholarly Contributions

A New Era? Christian-Jewish Relations in Post-Cold War Europe

In December 2015, during a festive gathering at Tel Aviv University, a book – the first of its kind – was launched: In our time: Documents and…

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Scholarly Contributions

In Defense of a Just Society: Buber Contra Gandhi on Jewish Migration to Palestine

At the behest of his Jewish friends and colleagues, the renowned Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) published an article in his respected weekly…

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Scholarly Contributions

"The Messiah Confrontation: Pharisees Versus Sadducees and the Death of Jesus"

A review essay.



By Israel Knohl

English translation: David Maisel

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JCR - Statements - Interreligious


The elderly in contemporary society and their protection

Declaration of the Abrahamic Religions, Buenos Aires, Monday, August 28, 2023.

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No one is saved alone

Final communique at the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace between the large world religions, October 20, 2020, Rome.

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Urgent Action Needed to Prevent COVID-19

March 25th, 2020. The COVID-19 virus presents the entire world with a series of humanitarian, financial, social and political challenges, which do not…

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Declaration of the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace

Lindau, Germany, 23 August 2019

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